
Sculpture & Bronze

“What we seek through the pursuit of our art and what we learn from it, cannot be expressed in a few words. If I am ever to glimpse my soul it will be here somewhere in the clay, the bronze and fire.”

Cam Crossley Sculptor

One of the many things I love about sculpture is the sense of ‘frozen moment’ - think ‘Bullet Time’ from the Matrix movies. The stillness allows us to circumnavigate the moment, gesture or composition and perceive what would otherwise be a very fleeting sense of grace.

Bronze is such a beautiful medium. In ceramics, earth is transformed by guiding hands, fire and minerals into something durable and beautiful and functional. In sculpture there is a moment where the clay becomes flesh and the artist’s idea is realised. Process transforms the sculpt via moulding into waxes, which with more moulding and ferocious heat, transform into bronze. In the final transformation, the finishing and patination of the bronze, there comes a point where the metal becomes flesh. The moment of the original idea, long past, has evolved to become an extraordinary work of art capable of enduring ages.

When you look at bronze sculpture you sense this timelessness – the creation of memory. Bronze is a material which embodies idea, emotion and meaning. Through time it is graced by the patina of our lived history.

For the galleries that represent my work please click here.